The right answer is C (Hail, king, for so thou art: behold, where stands/The usurper's cursed head:)
In the Philippines, a man had died due to a slash from a rooster. Cockfighting, a popular sport there, was temporarily forbidden due to their lockdown policy. While this officer had been trying to shut down the fight, a rooster had slashed him. The fighting rooster had a steel-blade attached to his foot, for it’s common in cockfighting. When the rooster sliced the man’s leg, it had hit a femoral artery and lost a lot of liquid. The officer died within minutes.
Mass Hysteria In The Salem Witch Trials. ... The Salem witch trials began in February 1692. The Salem witch trials occurred in colonial Massachusetts.
- 88% of blacks and other ethnic groups believe there has to be something done about racism in 2018
-in the workplace since 1970, black men have always gotten 60-70% less pay than white men.
-in 2009 police brutality deaths ranged from 397-426. That number jumped to 461 in 2013. However, federal experts believe that the estimates are to low.
I can't find anything other than that blacks and whites no longer have separate water fountains, washrooms, schools, living areas etc.
Hope this helps dude :)