The resistance of the device is 27Ω
When a device is used in a circuit in which the voltage is 81 V, the current flowing through the device is 3 A.
In order to calculate the resistance of the device, we know that the resistance is directly proportional to the voltage in the terminals of the device and the current flowing through it.
Using Ohm's law
Sea floor spreading-> <u><em>Oceanic ridge and Magma pushing two plates apart</em></u>
Continental drift-> <u><em>Concept of pangaea and Oceanic plates sliding under continental crust</em></u>
Due to the divergent plate movement, the magma come out to the surface, forming the mid oceanic ridge and this separation of plates on the sea floor is known as the sea floor spreading. The magma here pushes the two plates to move apart because of the convection current that generates in the mantle. One example of mid oceanic ridge is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Continental drift refers to the slow and gradual movement of the lithospheric plates over the viscous asthenosphere layer. This motion of continents takes place because of the plate tectonic movement. Due to this plate motion, the denser plate gets subducts beneath the less denser plates. For example, the oceanic crust when collides with a continental crust, it gets subducted because of its higher density. The great supercontinent "pangaea" also formed and separated due to this plate motion.
respiration is a process in living organisms involving the production of energy, typically with the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances.
Well, we have a book to write on this topic but imma explain it briefly plus simply.
- Global warming emphasizes the environment with rising temperatures, water shortages, increased fire threats, droughts, weeds and pest attacks, severe storm damage and salt attacks, to name just a few.(In simple words)
Now, we'd go briefly and discuss some common affects briefly :
- Hotter days - The climate is getting more and more warmer and year 2015 was the hottest year ever record throughout the history. The Earth's temperature had already warmed by 1°C which is really dangerous.
- Rising sea levels - Rising sea levels due to climate change is the biggest problem causing natural calamities. Increased ocean temperatures are melting glaciers and ice caps all over the world. Melted ice increases the volume of water in our oceans. Warmer temperatures also result in the expansion of the water's mass, which causes sea levels to rise, threatening islands and coastal cities.
- More frequent and intense extreme weather - Extreme weather events like bushfires, cyclones, droughts and floods are becoming more common and more aggressive as a result of global warming.
Hope it helps <3