They come late - without any notification, usually not nice. they delay, or corruption.
B for first blank
b second too
Topography, ethinicity, resources,language had been the bases of division of a country of the federal sturucture.
They are using "authoritative parenting style".
Authoritative parenting is a child rearing style described by high responsiveness and levels of popularity. Legitimate guardians are receptive to the kid's enthusiastic needs while having elevated expectations. They set points of confinement and are extremely reliable in upholding limits.
all of the above
A set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices that are sued to justify the belief that one racial category is somehow superior or inferior to others.
Whenever someone is treated differently, due to the person origin, or on the basis of gender, sex, religious affiliation, age, etc.
It can happen against groups , as also for racial or ethnical reasons.
Prejudiced action against a group of people
If a person belongs to a social class or category and he is treated based on prejudice and discriminated then he is victim of racism.
The flawed assumptions about a group of people usually stem from ignorance and result in acts of violence and intolerance that lead to tensions.
--biased thought based on flawed assumptions about a group of people
Perhaps the Holocaust, remains the iconic and extreme form of discrimination as Jews a group of people were subject to deprival of human rights and reduced to endure the extremes than one could ever imagine.