c. flows through... are recycled in
In an ecosystem, energy gotten from the sun by plants flows through the ecosystem from one trophic level to another, as the energy in is transformed from one form to another via nutrition.
On the other hand, chemical elements in the form of nutrients are recycled and made available to primary producers when decomposers in the ecosystem to break down organic matter. During decomposition, energy is released. Several nutrient recycling process have feedback mechanisms that ensures chemical elements are recycled back into the ecosystem as they are being used up by organisms.
The generation of local currents.
An action potential at the axon hillock generates local currents that depolarize nearby sections of axon to threshold. This change in membrane potential causes voltage-gated Na+ channels to open in the adjacent axon segment. This generates/regenerates the action potential in the adjacent segment, causing the action potential to propagate away from the axon hillock.
The ball must slow down due to the resistance from the grass constantly in the way
The nervous system helps all the parts of the body to communicate with each other. It also reacts to changes both outside and inside the body. The nervous system uses both electrical and chemical means to send and receive messages.