He should consult an archaeologist. They study ancient studies looking for remains of buildings, objects, people, etc. They learn a lot about our past and what our ancestors were like through archaeology.
There are different places
A sit down strike is a strike which has a somewhat nontraditional nature as it is when employees take "illegal" possession of their workplace by committing to a strike at their work stations. Furthermore, employees 'sit-down' at their station but do not work. It is considered a form of civil disobedience. This differs from a traditional strike as in traditional strikes workers walk off their jobs and therefore can be replaced whereas a sit-down strike causes work stations to be occupied and therefore does not allow employees to be replaced easily.
Natural monopoly. A market situation where it is most efficient for one business to make the product.
Geographic monopoly. Monopoly because of location (absence of other sellers).
Technological monopoly. ...
Government monopoly.