I don’t know what you’re trying to ask me but there isn’t any link therefore i can’t really help
focus more on the person and less on the stuff. be there for your loved one. set achievable goals and celebrate the small victories.allow your loved one to feel in control. encourage help-seeking
Acid-fast rods present in sputum typically indicates a mycobacterial infection. Mycobacteria is a type of germ, and it can manifest in different diseases, the most common is Tuberculosis. Acid-fast is namely due to the bacteria's stain retention to the staining procedure after an acid wash.
The correct answer is: the wail of a loud car alarm.
Sensory adaptation is a term that refers to the changes that stimuli can trigger on the sensory receptors. The process involves changes in the receptors' sensitivity and it is believed that all of the senses exhibit this adaptation. In particular, the sense of touch can quickly adapt to hot and cold stimulation, but not when the stimulus is extremely intense (such as too hot or too cold). Also, our olfactory sense presents the characteristic of odour fatigue. A prolonged exposure to a specific smell leads to a temporary inability to sense this smell and this is a type of sensory adaptation. Finally,
our hearing undergoes a sensory adaptation as well, but not when it comes to sudden, unexpected and instantaneous loud noises. That is why the wail of a loud car alarm will be the least likely to cause sensory adaptation.