Oh my lord almost the entire thing is a series of devises, especially irony.
A very obvious example you'd be advised not to use: the irony of Romeo's sacrifice, drinking the poison to be with his love, only to be the cause of her demise. Very poetic.
Another example of irony: The Montague's and Capulet's determination to keep their children safe from the other family, only to drive them both to their graves through increasingly hateful acts.
Honestly the entire story is riddled with irony. Pick a situation where a character makes a choose that ends up doing the oppositite of what they intended.
It can tell us about the past events, and the people lives at those times.
Awnser: Even though kingsolver’s essay addresses scientific information, her use of dialogue introduces different viewpoints which allows the reader to connect more deeply to the information. Readers relate to the dialogue which gives them a sense of familiarity. She uses an anecdote, which incorporates ideas of god and religious ideas. It advances her purpose because it provides a sense of relation to religion, an apparent concept that many practice. today.
Answer: Exploration. "<em>Eyes to see all The better with, my
Dear. Fur coat
<em>For your tongue" </em>you eyes are seeing something new so you are exploring
<em />
<em />
<em>sorry if this answer is wrong </em>
It is the evening before Dorian's thirty-eighth birthday, and he has dined with Lord Henry.