As I said on the last one, 6 is correct, 7 is B, 8 is C, 9 is B, and 10 is correct.
The World Bank
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is the largest institution in what is officially known as the World Bank Group. The IBRD was established by an international conference that met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in 1944. The IBRD remains the largest of five development bank institutions that make up the World Bank Group. An agreement between the World Bank and the United Nations was made in 1947 that classifies the World Bank as a specialized agency of the UN, while recognizing it also as an independent international organization.
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What do you mean by 16 and 17????????
The president could become a stronger bargainer with congress by increasing his popularity with the people. This is because the members of congress represent citizens and if citizens aren't happy then they're going to complain to their congressman and congresswomen. If they don't act on what their constituents want then they'll eventually be voted out of office for someone who will.
He desired a logical, well played, religiously tolerant colony.