It will add another slave state to the nation
Plantations usually were bigger and grew only one to two things. while farms were either small and for one family or for a small village.
One word that could describe Julius Ceasar (although it's very hard to pick just one) could be "firm". Although Caesar was in many ways far, he did not tolerate weakness.
Philosophy of sport is a zone of philosophy that pursues to
conceptually analyze matters of sport as human activity. This occurred as
a specialized area of study in the 1960s. Traces roots from ancient Greece and
Rome and the primary modern European gymnastics programs of Germany, Sweden,
and Great Britain in 1700s-1800s.
The correct answer is - taxes.
After the civilizations started to establish themselves and prospered, they needed to secure their citizens, and that was only possible if they had a strong military that will keep any intruders out of their territory.
The military is not cheap, and it needs a lot of funds, as it constantly needs food, clothing, armor, weapons, training, and all of that had to be sponsored by the governments/rulers. In order to be able to have strong and happy military forces, the governments started to tax the people, and initially that was only to sustain the military, but over time developed much more and is used for lots of other things nowadays.