The Calhoun doctrine shows that Calhoun wanted states to have the right to nullify national laws
3rd Parties do not have a lot of members, do not have huge rallies, are not very "out there", are not filmed by the media often, are not often publized. One example is the Green Party which is a liberal party.
George Wallace of the American Independent Party won at least one state.
Martin Van Buren in 1848 is a good example f someone who was popular but won 0 elector votes
Asda the euros did sad sada sdas
Answer: Okay, so I am doing this question right now and I'm looking in the book (for me it's page 360 in the Texas History book) and here is what it says:
Explanation: More settlers meant a greater need for lumber to build homes and stores. As a result, sawmills were built in new communities to meet that need.
so the answer would be sawmills (cause it says that sawmills were built to meet that need.)
your welcome.
The violence in Darfur is considered a genocide because it is racially based. The Arab Sudanese displaced and murdered the Black Sudanese. In September 2004, US Secretary of State Colin Powell deemed the Darfur conflict a genocide and called it the worst humanitarian crisis of the 21st century.
In1596 , the Darfur Sultanate was established and Islam declared the state religion.