Q1. What period does Japanese music date back too?
A1. Nara (710 to 794) and Heian (794 to 1185) periods
Q2. Why is music important in Japan?
A2. Songs are mainly related to spiritual rituals and daily work.
Q3. The piano was considered a prestigious instrument in the mid-20th century in Japan? True or False?
A3. True
Q4. The order in which the instruments enter is always the same in named compositions such as Etenraku.
A4. True
Q5. Syakuhati masters take seriously humankind’s connection with nature, using the music as a means to enlightenment.
A5. Ture
Q6. Where could one learn Western music around the first two decades of the 20th century in Japan?
A6. Primary Schools
Q7. What brought much of the Chinese culture to Japan?
A7. Buddhism
Q8. The largest ensemble in all of Japanese traditional music is:
A8. Gagaku
Q9. Enka songs:
A9. are generally slow to medium speed
, can be traced largely to 1930s theme songs
, comprised the earliest repertory of karaoke, and express despairing sadness and self-sacrificing sentiment
Q10. Karaoke was born in Japan in the:
A10. 1970s
Hope this helps~ Good luck!
I did some research on it, attached below.
Study of existence
Explanation: It's something that is a part of philosophy, in other words putting things into categories with the theories that explain the ideology or nature of existence by describing it or its parts in substance or causes. Types: object, kind, mode, and attributes
Simple example
trying to explain or rather "prove" god exists based on causes like say you made a wish once and it came true or maybe how your life has been better because you have beliefs, etc.
Answer: Kotos; shamisens; heterophonic
Explanation: This is a Hogaku concert which is a traditional concert of Japanese traditional music. It is a concert consisting of several parts and featuring musicians dressed in traditional Japanese costume. In doing so, musicians take certain instruments in a particular part of the concert they play, so that when the second part of the concert begins, the musicians replace the instruments they play. All the instruments played by musicians are on the floor from where they pick them up when they need to play a specific instrument for a particular part of the concert.
The said kotos is an instrument that musicians play in the first part of the concert. It's a stringed instrument - a zither with thirteen strings and the ensemble in that section has three kotos. In addition, the ensemble has three aforementioned shamisens and that is three-stringed lutes played with a plectrum. During the playing of these instruments, musicians who are both men and women also sing, where, as stated, all the parts appear to have the same melody, but each of these components has a somewhat different mode, which gives a heterophonic texture overall.