Try to use long division! To calculate a fraction as a decimal, you can act like the slash is a division symbol.
So, to calculate 1/6 as a decimal, divide 1 by 6 on a sheet of paper (or a calculator) and you’ll find out what it is.
Arcsin(1/5) = 0.20
Arcsin(-0.34) = -0.35
Arcsin(0.6) = 0.64
Step-by-step explanation:
Using a calculator we can find the value of each expression:
Arcsin(1/5) = 0.20135792079, rounding to the nearest hundredth we have that: Arcsin(1/5) = 0.20.
Arcsin(-0.34) = -0.346916897527, rounding to the nearest hundredth we have that: Arcsin(-0.34) = -0.35
Arcsin(0.6) = 0.643501108793, rounding to the nearest hundredth we have that: Arcsin(0.6) = 0.64
Yes, and corresponding angles are equal!
2/3 = 2×4 / 3×4 = 8/12 which is an equivalent fraction of 2/3.
Step-by-step explanation
Similarly, if we divide the numerator and denominator of 12/18 by 6 we get. 12/18 = 12÷6 / 18÷6 = 2/3. So 12/18 is an equivalent fraction of 2/3 as well.