It gets energy from the nutrition in the plant
Zimmermann rejected the assumption of fixity. Resources are not known, fixed things; they are what humans employ to service wants at a given time. To Zimmermann (1933, 3; 1951, 14), only human "appraisal" turns the "neutral stuff" of the earth into resources.[3] What are resources today may not be tomorrow, and vice versa. According to Zimmermann, "resources are not, they become."[4] "According to the definition of ew Zimmerman, the word ,"resource " does not refer to a thing but to a function which a thing may perform to an operation in which it may take part,namely,the function or operation of attaining a given end such a satisfying a want.
2.The reciprocal awareness
Answer: No
Explanation: Most 18 - 21 year-olds have recently finished school, and may/may not be working and/or studying further. They may have all of the rights and allowances of an adult, however, most have not yet experienced the responsibilities that come with adulthood, such as renting and managing their own homes, and where an option of returning to the parental home is not an option.