Psychological First Aid is the stabilizing technique that<span> is used to help orient and calm overwhelmed survivors when the initial techniques are unsuccessful. This technique is used to gather basic information that may be useful to assess the survivor's needs or concerns so that mental health specialist</span><span> can give immediate response to their needs in a manner suitable for the survivors. The approach of mental health specialist should vary according to the age and background of the survivor. Children and adults have different needs and concerns in their personal struggle. This </span>technique<span> provides the survivor with information that would be useful during the course of their recovery.</span>
B). B
The use of ABC‐X model to analyse the stress and their coping within the families. The model includes (A) which is the the stressor event, (B) is the resources which is available to family, (C) is the family's view of the stressor, while (X) is the likelihood of crisis.
The ABC-X model is given by Hill in the year 1958. It starts with stressor and ends with crises.
In the context, Olga met with an accident. Olga's family have a well crisis meeting resources. As 'B' in the model stands for the resources of the family, in this question B is the crisis management resources.
Thus the answer is option (B)
Among them were humanism, individualism, skepticism, well-roundedness, secularism, and classicism (all defined below). These values were reflected in buildings, writing, painting and sculpture, science, every aspect of their lives. Most were inherited from the Greeks and Romans and many have been passed on to us.
humanism, individualism, skepticism, well-roundedness, secularism, and classicism
Hopefully this helps...
Only photographs. There was little technology around, so photograph were really around at that point in time