The answer is D. Another teacher puts his notes on PowerPoint and lectures from them to help students take precise notes that capture the content without misunderstandings.
Of all of the strategies the teachers used, this one is the least likely to meet the principal's expectations because it is the one that corresponds the least to the constructivist perspective in education. This perspective states that students should have a more active role in the learning process, and they should be able to apply knowledge to everyday situations outside school. They should also play an active role in the assessment of what they have learned, learning to reflect upon their learning process.
By putting his notes on PowerPoint so students can copy it, the teacher is not planning activities that involve student participation, on the contrary, they have a pasive role.
The pharaoh was at the top of the social hierarchy. Next to him, the most powerful officers were the viziers, the executive heads of the bureaucracy. Under them were the high priests, followed by royal overseers (administrators) who ensured that the 42 district governors carried out the pharaoh's orders.
Hope this help and you already know the answer
Ejecta and an impact crater
Normally when a meteorite strikes the surface of a planet, a material called ejecta is released and an impact crater comet is created.
Political uncertainty.
Political uncertainty is characterized as the potential threat to alter the executive power either through constitutional means or through unconstitutional methods. A high risk of executive breakdown results in slower growth and, likewise, that slow growth, increases the potential for a change in government. The likelihood of a change of government means uncertain future policies that are marked by economic downfall, social unrest, war, revolution, death of political leaders, etc.
Que la primera guerra mundial fue consecuencia directa del nuevo
imperialismo de las principales potencias del siglo XIX, la más
interesada en la guerra era Reino Unido ya q Alemania estaba emergiendo
desde su unificación como la primera potencia y amenazaba fuertemente su
industria y marina, la otra gran interesada era Francia ya q después d
la derrota en la guerra franco prusiana quería la revancha para
recuperar Alsacia y Lorena, ahora a todo este ambiente d tención
cualquier pretexto era bueno para comenzar la guerra, pero en si lo q
pretendía el imperialismo d principios del siglo XX era tener el mayor
número d colonias para tener el mayor número d productos para la
El imerialismo antes d la segunda guerra mundial no fue el mismo q en el
caso anterior, ya q el mundo apenas se recuperaba de la crisis d 1929,
fue en esta época cuando Reino Unido alcanzo su máxima extensión
colonial sin embargo aquí el detonante fue la ideología d Hitler d
recuperar territorios perdidos y d expandir Alemania lo q causó la
Segunda Guerra Mundial cuando invadio Polonia, cabe destacar q después d
la segunda guerra mundial la mayoría d los países africanos y d las
colonias británicas se independizaron </span>