Africans are being mistreated but will fight for their rights.
Catholic bishops were involved in crowning kings and emperors (who were at the top of the feudal system).In Germany, 3 out of 7 sovereigns who had the right to elect a new emperor were archbishops.
<span>The catholic church also rented land as fiefdoms to to lower peasants, just like the aristocrats did. </span>
<span>Due to some historians,the chuch was the biggest liege in the high middle ages (25 - 50% of all fiefdoms being owned by the church). </span>
<span>Furthermore,the church gave a legitimation to the feudal system </span>
<span>by declaring that every man should work in the place where he was put (by god) and that the peasants should work, the clergy pray and the sovereigns protect.Since the feudal system is based on the idea of a sovereign protecting weaker ones and receiving tributes in return, this idea matched the idea of feudalism.</span>
Was a way of honoring and caring for the gods that have created them.
Daily offering ceremonies in temples were one of the most commonly practiced rituals in ancient Egypt. Offering food, clothing, carvings, weapons, tools and so forth These daily ritual were supervised by temple priests.
St. Helena in the South Atlantic
The young astronomer gave up his studies in 1676 and sailed to St. Helena in the South Atlantic where he catalogued 341 stars in the Southern Hemisphere and discovered a star cluster in Centaurus.