A mad scientist is generally called "mad"/ "insane", because of unsettling characteristics, and the dangerous/questionable experiments they run and work on. For example, the creator of frankenstein, from 1818, was said to be a mad scientist, this isnt like the green monster, its the person who sticked different things to different people and tried to run electricity through it to act as a heart, also just to see if he could create a human like creature. THATS a maad scientist, but the stereotype mad scientist according to wikipedia, is white male, aging, crooked teeth, messy hair, lab coat, green glowing liquid filled test tube, goggles, gloves, and striking a dramatic pose while cackling evilly
This is a line in Laurence Shames’ “The More Factor.” In this essay, Shames argues that Americans have always valued the idea of having “more”. He states that this was intrinsic to the development of the nation during the years of the Wild West. People wanted more land, more riches, and were prepared to sacrifice everything in order to obtain it. He also argues that this desire for “more” has meant that Americans have forgotten about other values, concentrating on quantity instead of quality.
Shames also argues that the idea of “open space,” of unlimited land that could be grabbed, generated ambition, but it also generated a metaphor. That is, a metaphor of unlimited potential and growth. This metaphor is still associated with the idea of “conquering frontiers.” However, he argues that as hopes of growth are now put on the economy, we have to realize that growth is finite, and that we need to reexamine our values and future goals for the country.
High because in the poles it snows and precipitation is high pressure system