Maybe right depends on the subject but a major study shows that poor countries have higher birthrates but in first world countries there is less thats is why there is less babies being born in the 1st world countries because of the better health care and access to cleaner water and more food and economic growth and lesser corruption so the awnser would be economic growth or you can rephrase the words i used to make an awser that fits hopefully i helped
A. and C.
As French was still struggling with the damage caused in WW1
The answer is: C.Consider saving money instead of spending it
From that sentence, Benjamin Franklin basically equalize reducing your spending and allocating it to saving as an increase in earning.
Let's take a look at this scenario:
1. You work to earn 100$ on first day, spend $50 on the second day, and work to earn 50$ on the third day. At the end of the the third day, you will have 100$ left.
2. You work to earn 100$ on first day, not spending anything on second day. And choose not to work on third day. At the and of the third day, you will have 100$ left.
From those scenarios, we can see that allocating your spending to spending eventually ending up with similar amount with spending and acquiring additional earning.
The main idea, judging on the cover and title, is about the "mystery" about the Mayans and their way of communicating through illustrations. It seems similar to the Ancient Egyptians and hieroglyphics. Hope this helps!!! :)