The evolution of the peppered moth is an evolutionary instance of directional colour change in the moth population as a consequence of air pollution during the Industrial Revolution. The frequency of dark-coloured moths increased at that time, an example of industrial melanism.
The dendrites receive impulse or messages from other neurons and send them to the cell body
I'm not sure if this question is talking about neurons, but if it is... depolarization in a neuron leads to an "action potential."
This, though a broad statement, is true as far as I can tell.
1) Sambungan bola-dan-soket. 2) Sendi engsel. 3) Sambungan poros 4) Sambungan elips.
Sendi adalah daerah di tubuh kita tempat dua tulang saling menempel. Ada empat jenis sambungan 1) Sambungan bola dan soket. 2) Sendi engsel. 3) Sambungan poros 4) Sambungan elips. Sendi bola-dan-soket adalah sendi yang ada di bahu dan pinggul. Sendi engsel ada di pergelangan kaki, siku, dan lutut. Sendi poros ada di leher dan pergelangan tangan. Sendi elipsoidal ada di tangan dan jari.