It is generally agreed upon that the "c. Committee on Ways and Means" is the most powerful in all of Congress, since this committee ultimately decides how the Congress and the rest of government functions.
There is alot of hungry and terriorist is takiy over the territory and we also have insecurities no in some places
"Refusing to pass martial law, King Victor Emmanuel III watched as thousands of armed Fascists entered Rome. He dissolved the government and asked Mussolini to form a new one. Mussolini became Prime Minister, as well as Minister of the Interior and Minister for Foreign Affairs."
"The economic depression which followed World War I gave rise to much extremism among Italy's sorely tried working classes. This caused the country as a whole to become politically unstable. Benito Mussolini, soon to be Italy's Fascist dictator, took advantage of this instability for his rise to power."
I hope this helps a bit! :)
Problems that affected both the colonies and the French were that the people had little representation in government, the colonies were not allowed to make decisions in British Parliament and the bourgeoisie ruled in France oppressing the large working class. Both the French and the colonies were ruled by tyrant Kings leading the two to fight for a democracy. Both sides were also deeply influenced by Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau in France and John Locke in the colonies.