The Supreme Court held that the Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Clause 2), which elevates federal law above state law when the two are in conflict (and do notinvolve a right explicitly reserved to the states) protected the bank from being taxed by the State(s). Chief Justice John Marshall declared the states couldn'ttax the federal government. Case Citation:McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 US 316 <span>(1819) </span>
The Battle of Dunkirk ended with the overnight evacuation of 26,175 French troops. At 10:20 a.m. the Germans occupied the city and captured the 30–40,000 French troops who were left. In the British House of Commons Winston Churchill made the famous speech commonly titled We shall fight on the beaches.
<span>The Bill of Rights protects citizens accused of crimes by the fifth amendment because the fifth amendment allows them to not answer a question if it would further self-incriminate them. This prevents a criminal from being forced to say something that could be used against them. A second way the Bill of Rights protects citizens accused of crimes is by the sixth amendment, which gives every citizen the right to a fair trial and jury.</span>