In conclusion = To summarize
Eventually = To show time
Furthermore = To add emphasis
Such as = To give an example
For food, water, clothing, shoes, necessities
This is
The exciting combination of sight and sound conjures up visions of dragons roaring proudly, breathing fire, and flying through the midnight sky. Determined to find out if dragons really could have existed, I set out on a factual search.
Scientists presented evidence to show why dragons couldn't and did not exist. They said that if dragons had lived, someone would have found remains somewhere in the world.
I noticed that all cultures around the world described dragons in a similar way. I found notes on dragons in old legal documents and in the travel diaries of people like Marco Polo. Dragons are included along with eleven royal animals.
If you create stomach gas like birds do, you could create enough to lift yourself off the ground. If you expel air while diving towards land, it could release gases that could ignite. When the animal died, the stomachs would release strong acids that would dissolve its corpse over time.
Some will believe with all their hearts that legendary creatures roamed our ancient world. I'm not sure which side to believe, but the sound and fury of a night like this make me smile.
Look below
Society affects our body image in a negative way as it promotes impossible beauty standards as an explanation for the way it wishes for society to look. Celebrities and social media are the primary reasons why society affects self-esteem as people desperately try to reach unreal standards. The more we are on our phones, on technology, the more our adolescent development is affected by what we see on screens. Because society displays perfect images, adolescents suffer in terms of self-esteem.