“BAC” (blood alcohol content) Test
Police can use a Breathalyzer to test your BAC (blood alcohol content) at the scene of an accident or on the side of the road if they suspect you of driving under the influence to determine the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream, if there is any.
Good luck on your Drivers Ed test, I hope this helps. You got this :-)
Answer: Dear Sister,
I know you have made a long way from our home to port harcourt, now you have grown big in your life. You can take your own decisions. You have a lot of freedom when you are at your own house, but over there you don't have an option but you have to stay with your uncle. Uncle are a very close relative to our family but then still, at the end its not your own house.
I want you to understand that you are really far away from our home, so we can't tell you do this do that, but its our responsibility to make you understand that you need to behave well in the city. Plus you are living with your uncle so you also need to give respect to his people in the house as well. Don't do anything that will cause trouble to your uncle. You also need to understand that it is a whole different country, different country means different rules different currency and different everything. Please be cautious of what thing you will do while you are there and take care of yourself. We all over here LOVE you!
Jogging is turned into a noun when it normally functions as a verb, which is what a gerund is
the third one I guess
cause he gives a dirty look
Privelage is suggestive, yet it's common knowledge that some have more privilege than others. Privilege is a right or special advantage that only a specific group, or person has that others do not have. Privilege can apply to many different things such as amnesty to do certain things, or the ability to do things that others cannot.
Ex. A sibling may have privilege to stay out until 12am, while the other must be home much earlier. The sibling that can stay out later has an advantage, which is privilege.