// class definition Solution
public class Solution {
// main method to begin program execution
public static void main(String args[]) {
// the starOut method is called with argument
// the starOut method is declared and it returns a string
// it receive a string as the argument
public static String starOut(String str) {
// The index of the star is assigned to starIndex
int starIndex = str.indexOf("*");
// Index of character before star is known
int charBeforeStar = starIndex - 1;
// Index of character after star is known
int charAfterStar = starIndex + 1;
// The newString is declared empty
String newString = "";
// loop through the string
for (int i =0; i < str.length(); i++){
// if i is either of the following index, the loop continue
// without concatenating with the newString
if (i == charBeforeStar || i == charAfterStar || i == starIndex){
// the new string is concatenated with a character
newString += str.charAt(i);
// the new string is printed
// the newString is returned
return newString;
The code logic is stated in the comment inside the code.