Answer: The first is with the consent of its parent country, that is when the government of the sovereign state which it belongs to allows it to secede, either through agreement between the central government.
The paper will run out.
Lots of animals will lose their habitats. (80% of animals survive in forests, they might die without them)
Will impact global warming.
Release alot of CO2 (carbon dioxide).
Will increase the greenhouse effect. (These 3 go together)
Oxygen might possibility be greatly reduced. (Rainforest provide nearly 20% of oxygen)
There will be no rain. (Trees absorb the water and released it)
Dead wood will increase (wild)fires.
Greatly impact the water cycle. (Trees keep ground wet)
I know there is only 2 needed but it might help others in the future.
Hope it helps!
The goverment makes the laws..... the US Congress is part of the goverment tho.....