The invention of the toothbrush made a huge impact of society and people for many reasons. You should always brush your teeth and keep your mouth clean so you will have nice, white teeth, healthy gums, good breath, and just a clean mouth! Without the toothbrush, your mouth would be smelly, gross, and full of bacteria.Some of the different impact categories included acidification, climate change, eutrophication, human health, land use, resource use and water scarcity. The results concluded that the electric toothbrush had the greatest environmental impact in 15 out of the 16 categories with water scarcity being the exception.Using the electric toothbrush as an example, this article examines the growing acceptability of domestic health technologies that blur the traditional boundaries between health, aesthetics and consumption. By using empirical material from individual and household interviews about people's oral health practices, this research explores the relationships between an everyday artefact, its users and their environments. It investigates the ways in which oral health technologies do, or do not, become domesticated in the home environment. We conclude that the domestication of oral health technologies is not inevitable, with the electric toothbrush often becoming an ‘unstable object' in the domestic setting.
It's usually in C: drive.
</span>But if you have several drives, there are Recycle Bins each drive.
This question has already been answered here: brainly.com/question/18415952
PST is the personal storage table, which is a file built by Microsoft to store data from outlook and other services too. Really quick, this may or may not be an option that you are looking for but, what I would do in my opinion would be to use the PST and export it on a removable USB, since USBs are removeable media.
This type of attack is called Malvertising
Malvertising (Malware Advertising) is a term in computer security that refers to the act of spreading computer malware through online advertisements. It is done by injecting malicious code into genuine online advertisement platforms or malicious webpages that appear as though they are genuine and from reputable third-party advertisers. While it is quite a new concept it is difficult to combact because content for advertisement can be placed in genuine and reputable websites that users trust.