Databases are not that simple. Now we not only have a Data warehouse, but we also have the Data Lake as well. We also have NoSQL and SQL form of support with these modern databases. The JSON format is rocking. You can hence through JSON store the text, image, audio, video, etc in one go. And like the first five can be a text, the next five can be an image then again a text than video, and so on. And it is super easy to access them as well. Also, you can edit them quite easily as well. It's not that hard like the Lisp used to be in the past. And supermarket has a mix blend of the database. And modern databases like Data Lake can be very useful, undoubtedly.
You can store security type of requirements, like CCTV footage, each shop details like shop ID, Product list, shop type, electricity bill, hours of opening, floor, facilities, no. of employees, etc., and like this, we can have the details for the entire supermarket, and each shop there definitely. And we can perform various actions on behalf of each shop and market as well. The database can hence be very useful definitely
Please check the answer.
Negative space is the space between, within and surrounding an object in an image. The positive space is the focus of the image, the object itself, but the negative space is just as important. It shares edges with the positive space, defining the outline of the object and creating proportion
<span>If a attachment is not reliable to open, terrible effects can happen, peradventure it may have a virus or even malware that can destroy a computers software.
To avoid this and stay on the safe side, try the following:-
- Open it in protected view
- Do not save the attachment on your computer
- Look at the author and read the message carefully to make sure it is not biased.
- Open it on a flash-drive </span>
the pilcrow symbol is paragraphing in keyboard
A 2d array (i.e. 2 dimensional array) represents its elements in rows and columns
<h3>The program in Java</h3>
The method in Java, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows
//This defines the method
public static int diagSum(int[][] myArray) {
//This initializes sum to 0
int sum = 0;
//This iterates through each row of the array
for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
//This calculates the sum of the diagonals
//This returns the sum
return sum;
Read more about methods at: