- def getLargest(number_list):
- new_list = []
- for x in number_list:
- if(isinstance(x, int)):
- new_list.append(x)
- largest = max(new_list)
- return largest
Firstly, create a function <em>getLargest()</em> that take one input parameter, <em>number_list</em>.
The function will filter out the float type number from the list by using <em>isinstance() </em>method (Line 5). This method will check if a current x value is an integer. If so, the x value will be added to <em>new_list</em>.
Next, use Python built-in <em>max</em> function to get the largest integer from the <em>new_list </em>and return it as output.
Worst case time of Heapsort is better than worst case time of Quicksort.
Worstcase of Heapsort is nlog(n). Worstcase time of Quicksort is (n^2). Heapsort is comparison based sorting algorithm. Heapsort divides input into sorting. It is a selection sort in which we send maximum inputs for maximum elements at end. Quicksort is divide and conquer algorithm. It is considered as efficient sourcing algorithm.
CC stands for Carbon Copy in emails.
16/17 can't be simplified but if you want it as a decimal it's 0.9412 or 0.94
An app launcher replaces the stock user interface for organizing the home screen and app icons predominantly in the Android world; however, they are also available for jailbroken iPhones (see iPhone jailbreaking and Cydia). See Launchpad.