The just prior to the Europeans because Lewis and Clark didn’t discover America
Rene Descartes, John Locke, Copernicus, and Montesquieu all challenged common thought at the time.
A) moving to the cities. I need more characters
Answer: A. believing it is God's will.
Bradstreet wrote this poem after a fire that cost her her home and many material possessions. Although at first, the poem shows thankfulness for having been saved by God, later it grieves for the loss of material things. However, by the end, the poem reasons that nothing on earth is as precious as making it into heaven, showing how Bradstreet re-devoted herself to God.
The result Reagan hoped would come from the Us influence on the USSR is “The United States becoming more threatening “ he wanted peace by power . He wanted to scare the Soviet Union by our new technology known as STAR WARS.