There were a variety of reasons for this failure, many connected to general weaknesses within the organization, such as voting structure that made ratifying resolutions difficult and incomplete representation among world nations. Additionally, the power of the League was limited by the United States' refusal to join.
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Places and Region: Place describes the features that make a site unique. regionsareareasthat share common characteristics. A place for defined by its distinctive climate and plant life.
Physical Systems: • Natural changes
– How things like hurricanes, volcanoes, and glaciers shape and change the earth’s surface
• Communities of plant and animals
– depend on the one another and their surroundings for survival
Human Systems: Movement is how things move from place to place. (This can be movement of people, ideas and/or beliefs, and goods.) Describes how people have shaped our world.
Environment and Society: How humans effect the environment – Good effects- planting trees for oxygen
– Bad effects-pollution from industries
• How the environment effects human
– Good effects- growing crops on the side of the mountain – Bad effects- the weather effects the clothing and shelter
The uses of geography: • Understand the relationships among people, places, and environments over time
• Understand the past and prepare for the future
One of the ways that nationalism affected Europe were the numerous uprising and riots of the local population that demanded more rights to speak their language and have power over their own affairs. For example, Poland had a number of uprisings that sought to achieve independence of the countries ruling its territory (Russia and Prussia): for example the Greater Poland uprising of 1848.
The Treaty of Versailles brought an end to World War I