They are alike insofar that they both deal with with people from minorities and and the discrimination against people who were not of European descent. In Mendez v. Westminster it was about Mexican American people while in the Magnuson Act it was about the Chinese American population and discrimination against them.
On June 8, 1920, the Republicans nominated Warren G. Harding, an Ohio newspaper editor and United States Senator, to run for president with Calvin ... The presidential election of 1920 was the last election campaign made accessible to the ... Harding's campaign promised a return to "normalcy," rejecting the activism of ...
Alice Walker
In 1892 she was the first African-American women to win the pulitzer Prize
The correct answer is D, as General Winfield Scott and his army did not travel along the Mexican National Highway during the Mexican-American War, as it wasn't even built at the time.
The Mexican-American War confronted Mexico and the United States between 1846 and 1848. It began as a result of the expansionist pretensions of the United States, whose first step was the creation of the Republic of Texas, which separated from the Mexican state of Coahuila and Texas. Other triggers were the entry of the US Army into the area between the Nueces and Grande rivers and the demand for compensation from the Mexican government for the damages caused in Texas during its war of independence.
The Americans landed in Veracruz and conquered the Mexican capital, after which the Mexicans were forced to sign the peace of Guadalupe Hidalgo, by which the United States annexed the current states of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and part of today Wyoming.