The fastest way to get help is to type a word or two in the search box. TRUE.
3. 1. 2. daily, weekly, monthly
I am not too familiar with the Python language, but the algorithm would be something like this:
1. create a variable for the sums of the number
2. read in how many numbers the user wants to enter (let's call it N)
and then create a for loop:
for N times
read in the next number
increase the sum variable by that number
Hopefully this helps!
#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ string chars; // This is where we will put our @ signs and print them for(int x=0;x < 5; x++){
chars = chars + '@'; // This will concatenate an @ sign at the end of the variable cout << chars << "\n"; }}
#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ string name; // Our variable to store the name cout << "What is your name? \n"; // Asks the user for their name cin >> name; cout << "\nWell, hello " << name << "!";}
#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ int number; // Our variable cout << "Enter a number\n"; // Asks for a number cin >> number; cout << "You entered " << number << "%!";}
#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ int number; // Our variable cout << "Enter a number\n"; cin >> number;
int check = number % 2; // The modulo operator (the percent sign) gets the remainder of the quotient if (check == 0) { cout << number << " is even!"; // If the remainder is 0 then it prints out "x is even" } else { cout << number << " is odd!"; // If the remainder is not 0 then it prints out "x is odd" }}
#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ float r; // Our variable cout << "Enter a radius\n"; cin >> r; if (r < 0){ cout << "Lol. No."; // If the radius is less than zero print out that message } float circumference=2*3.14*r; float area=r*r*3.14; cout << "\n\n Circumference of circle: " << circumference; cout << "\n Area of circle: " << area;}
It is a set of ANSI-developed simultaneous interface requirements for connecting scanners, drives, printers, and many other devices to systems.
Although when Tim has such an outdated network system which is used as a backup by his corporation. Then hard drive may have gone wrong and required replacement. The connector used by the hard disk drive is not something he has ever seen before, but he upload photos of that on the community board of the organization to aid determine what kind of hard disk drive they will also have to order.
So, according to the following scenario he required SCSI cable.