Hera's roman name is Mercury! :)
Carolina had split into North and South Carolina.
The province of Carolina was broken into two by the British as a present to the first eight British settlers in Carolina. The North and South Carolina were part of the Thirteen Colonies under the British rule.
The conference was convened on Saturday, November 15, 1884 at Bismarck's official residence on Wilhelmstrasse. The main dominating powers of the conference were France, Germany, Great Britain, and Portugal. They remapped Africa without considering the cultural and linguistic borders that were already established.
3 things that you must remember!
There are three things to look at:
- The treaty had harsh terms it imposed on Germany.
- This helped foster the rise of Nazism in the 1920's.
- It created a political blueprint for World War II.
If you remember these things you will ace any test about the Versailles Treaty Change. Also, this treaty was also known as: A World Forever Changed.