Before the states became states they were called colonies. The reason why they were called colonies was because that they were all colonies of Great Britain. They began being called states in July 1776.
The statement is TRUE.
In 1951 Solomon Asch carried out the famous Conformity Experiments, set out to <u>measure the dynamics of group-thinking</u>. He presented his subjects with an extremely simple judgement task with a very obvious answer, joined by a previously prepared group that was told to answer incorrectly on purpose. By making it so simple, it would be clear that any subject that answered incorrectly would be doing it because of group pressure. With this first experiment, <u>Asch proved a correlation between a group's influence on an individual's conformity</u>.
Further trials went deeper into which factors were the most impactful to influence conformity. The results showed that <u>increasing group size</u> by up to three times, <u>raised the conformity levels to 32%</u>. However, larger groups did not impact this number. Applying group unanimity, on the other hand, showed an increase of as much as 80% on the conformity rates.
This clarified how much bigger of an influence unanimity was over group size, meaning it mattered more to an individual if an entire group agreed on something (even if the group was small), over a larger majority's opinion when a group was more split-up.
Hope this helps!
Generally, conflicts arise from mismatches between power, organizational demands and feelings of personal worth..
<em>Human relations view of conflict means to accept that conflict is a important aspect of any organization. Rather than seeing it as a negative or a necessity it needs to be managed. If all of that is right. Then an example would be; If one person agues that Alternating current electricity is better than direct current electricity and the other says the opposite. The outcome now is that it is more beneficial we use both in everyday life. A/C is a safer and simplistic use of electricity for power converters while d/c is needed to supply a constant frequency current to LED lighting. Without both sides advancing we wouldn’t be able to keep progressing. or maybe that is a bad example… Maybe you start a business and you feel quality is a better formula than quantity. But you have such a high demand for your product your cheaper opponents outsell you. So now you decide to make a part of the product with a cheaper material. Thus still being superior product yet the quality has decreased. But now you have achieved a higher goal than you would have otherwise. I think conflict helps a company grow but if it leans too far one way outcome will become someone else’s achievement. If you cut out all conflict you may never be able to adapt to succeed.</em><em>.</em><em> </em>
Answer: Replication
Here, in this case the work conducted i.e. the research done by Dr. Meco can be referred to as the <u><em>replication</em></u> of Dr. Kox's work. In this scenario Dr. Meco has conducted the same study as that of Dr. Kox but with different participant. This therefore falls under the category of replication i.e. the emulating, replicating or copying something.
It's most likely the equator if you mean latitude, but there are are other imaginary lines so I'd need more details