about or referring to the confluence of social and economic variables
Socioeconomic status is the social standing or class of an individual or group.
Cierto- Men never greet with a kiss in Spanish-speaking countries.
narcotráfico, guerrilla y conflicto paramilitar, débil vigilancia y regulación de las instituciones, intimidación y hostigamiento de denunciantes, y una apatía generalizada de la sociedad para abordar los comportamientos poco éticos.
Drug trafficking, guerrilla and paramilitary conflict, weak surveillance and regulation from institutions, intimidation and harassment of whistle-blowers, and a widespread apathy from society to address unethical behavior.
Roman conquerors gave full citizenship because they shared a language in common.
The Latin communities were immersed in Roman culture, as part of their land was given to the Romans. The conquered people received only half of their citizenship because, despite being part of the Italian peninsula, they had little in common with the Romans.
Others were wary of Lewis and Clark and their intentions and were openly hostile, though seldom violent.