Monopolies are bad for the economy because lack of competition allows a few to set prices, stagnate competition.
How did the rich take advantage:
The rich had ready capital to either buy out smaller competitors or drive them out with undercut prices until the competitor failed, then prices to consumer went back up even higher.
It happened in the early industrial revolution: Rockefeller/Standard Oil,
Carnegie and JP Morgan= Steel industry
Still going on today, especially in the tech arena.
Able to manipulate what we buy, the way we think, etc.
We need to be responsible, situationally aware consumers.
I haven’t researched this much, but i do know that there were no beds for the slaves, they were chained to the ground shoulder to shoulder, typically unclothed. a lot would vomit from seasickness, terror, or lack of nutrition, and a good portion of them died before getting to their destination.
Im not really sure of the answer can you list the answer choices
Explanation: what is the question
The answer would be yes. Modern democracy has the Athenians and Pericles to thank for bringing the ideas to fruition.