Yes. 2/3 is greater than 2/5. You can check this by cross multiplication or easier just look at the denominator and numerator. In this case the numerator is the same so it's easier in a sense that you need to look at the denominator. Since the denominator 3 is close to the numerator 2 it shows that it's almost a whole unlike the other fraction. You can also convert each fraction to decimals and compare it which is also easy. Just divide the numerator by the denominator and you've got a decimal. Hope this helps!
<h3> </h3><h2> F-{1} (x)= x/6 + 5/6</h2>
Answer:For these, n is equal to the term you want. So you substitute the number in for whichever term you want. This means:
a) 1 (1st term) + 5 = 6
2 (2nd term) + 5 = 7
3 (3rd term) + 5 = 8
4 (4th term) + 5 = 9
10 (10th term) + 5 = 15
And so on for b (not going to keep writing the term, I’m sure you get that by now.
b) 2(1) - 1 = (2x1) - 1 = 1
2(2) - 1 = (2x2) - 1 = 3
2(3) - 1 = (2x3) - 1 = 5
2(4) - 1 = (2x4) - 1 = 7
2(10) - 1 = (2x10) - 1 = 19
Hope this helps :)