A scale is a set of musical notes ordered by fundamental frequency or pitch. A scale is usually ordered by increasing pitch and is called an ascending scale. Scales generally span a single octave. Scales help you understand music, how to solo, improvise, analyse chords, chord progressions and songs among many other aspects of music.
Slavery helped evolve jazz when slaves sang the blues , they often sang about suffering and reminiscing over death.
Rococo architecture emphasizes grace, ornamentation and asymmetry; Neoclassical architecture is based on the principles of simplicity and symmetry, which were seen as virtues of the arts of Rome and Ancient Greece, and were more immediately drawn from 16th-century Renaissance Classicism. Each "neo"-classicism selects some models among the range of possible classics that are available to it, and ignores others.
Communicating a religious message
Answer: I’m kind of good at it! Why?