It led to a decrease in educational programming.
It led to an increase in commercials for toys.
It led to an increase in junk food advertisements.
The policies of Chairman Mao Zedong were like a mountain range—full of high points as well as dangerous low points.
There is no denying that Mao's policies shaped a nation and formed the foundation of modern-day China. However, the number of lives, dreams, and aspirations that were lost as he brought his will down upon the people can never be recovered. The Great Leap Forward, the Cult of Mao, the Cultural Revolution, the Hundred Flowers policies, as well as his standpoint on women's rights, are all important aspects of China under Mao. Modern China cannot be understood without studying this period of history.
They built the first city in the world
They enacted the earliest known comprehensive legal code. ...
They developed the first ever positional number system. ...
They could perform advanced arithmetic calculations.
During the Progressive Era, women fought for rights , such as suffrage, or the right to vote. In reform, women worked to change the workplace, labor conditions, health, and safety. Due to all the progressors ( **A term used for men of that era**) going to war with Germany in WW1 women took over the industrial work space and many also worked towards attaining social reform to increase gender equality. The female role was drastically chacterized as equal to men after that point in time.