England concerned itself with quantity products it exported out of the country in comparison to the countries they traded with. England did not want to be left behind and be overcome by other countries especially those in Asia. They did not export much so artists and merchants started creating and inventing goods that enabled them to compete with the Asian market.
They avoided copying Asian products by imitating products form countries like France, Holland, Switzerland and Spain (which also traded with Asia) and used techniques that were proven successful methods used by these countries for a superior output.
What is the question for this? I may be able to solve.
The correct answer is - The hopeful actors agreed to meet in the dressing room before the audition.
Hope this helps you!!
there was a great depression in Ireland, but it happened during the 1980's and 1990's, instead of the 1930's
Is there any options or do u have to fill them in on memory.