STEP 1: <u>DATA ACQUISITION</u> is related to data collection, it is understood as the process of gathering, filtering, and cleaning data before the data is put in a data warehouse or any other storage solution.
STEP 2: <u>DATA EXAMINATION</u> is when data go through assessment with the intention of assuring the quality of the data for subsequent analysis.
The data is closely examined for patterns and unexpected features with so many varieties recorded.
STEP 3: <u>DATA TRANSFORMATION</u> can be define as the process of changing format, structure, or values of data.
Data Transformation goes through a lot of processes such as data integration, data warehousing, and data wrangling all involves data transformation.
Example of Data Transformation is when an organization uses cloud-based data warehouses, which can scale compute and store resources with high latency measured in seconds or minutes.
STEP 4: DATA EXPLORATORY is the most essential step of data process, it is also the most human-centric step. Example is when a data analyst uses visual exploration to understand what is in a data set; A wrong visualization can prevent the data analyst from catching the current insight or from sharing the correct information.
We are surrounded by data we often want to look for pattern to help us analyze or understand a variety of questions.
understanding data is basically transforming unstructured data into structured data.