Cholera, tuberculosis, anthrax are caused by bacteria
Fungi causes athlete’s foot, ringworm.
Amoebic dysentery, Malaria and sleeping sickness is caused by protozoans.
Common cold, measles, mumps, smallpox are some of the diseases caused by viruses.
b. established the policy to admit the area's population as equal members of the political system.
The Northwest Ordinance was a law established in 1787 by the United States Confederation Congress. The purpose of this law was to establish the northwest of the country as the first organized US territory that did not belong to the southern Great Lakes, north and west of the Ohio River, and to the east of the Mississippi River. In addition, this law established the policy to admit the population of the area as equal members of the political system.
system of checks/balancez
Bull market is the answer
Gross motor skills are needed adequately for the growth and Independence of the child.Gross Motor Skill are refered to as movements that is associated with our large muscles like our leg, arms and others.thia gross motor skills takes place at different stages of the infant growth cycle e.g 0-3momth,3-6 months e.t.c each cycle stage has their unique characteristics.
Due to the growth of the muscles , a baby can then stand, to hold his/her head up, sit, crawl, walk e.t.c