The purple color of potassium permanganate gradually spreads throughout the water in the jar by the process of diffusion.
- Diffusion is the process of movement of a substance from the region of higher concentration to the regions of lower concentration. Diffusion occurs in liquids as well as gases.
- Potassium permanganate is a purple color compound, when it is added in a jar of water it spreads throughout the water by the virtue of diffusion.
- The concentration of potassium permanganate is higher at one point and the other regions in the jar have its nil or low concentrations initially, this leads to the set up of a concentration gradient.
- As time passes diffusion occurs and the particles of potassium permanganate keep on migrating to the regions of low concentration until the concentration is uniform throughout the jar. Ultimately, it spread throughout the jar making the water purple.
Know more about diffusion
- Anaphase
- Interphase
- Metaphase
- Prophase
- Cytokinesis
In order, they would be 2, 4, 3, 1, 5.
The half-life of a radioisotope is the amon the symbol 42He, the subscript 2 is the mass number for helium and the superscript 4 is the atomic number for helium.
Well because they need to survive. And whoever gets the most food will grow the biggest and produce the most offspring. This even happens between inter species like ants, an example of this is when the red imported fire and caused the near extinction of the native argentine ant in the United States
It is controlled by negative feedback loop.Let's say you have high glucose level in your blood,that will be registered and pancreas will produce more insulin to keep it in the normal range.Therefore by negative feedback loop it will regulate homeostasis