Cigarettes and Vapes both deliver nicotine to the brain, but cigarettes are much more harmful. They burn tobacco creating tar that is delivered into your body. Nicotine is delivered through e-liquid while still harmful is much less toxic than cigarettes.
I don't think there is a difference
Foods to avoid on a low residue diet are whole-grain bread, cereal, pasta &, etc. You should also avoid raw vegetables and dried fruit.
It does not come from a beavers butt
The sweetening extract does
attraction-similarity hypothesis
According to the attraction-similarity hypothesis, the more similarity people share together, the more the attraction they have between each other, which would easily make both develop romantic relationships. For example, if two persons are from the same religion, studied medicine and are practicing in the medical field, they are from similar family background, the possibility of both developing romantic relationship is high as both would typically get attracted to each other or want to be around each other.