D or aka changes in the moons orbit
Hope this helps you
air pollution can irritate your airways and may cause shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, asthma episodes and chest pain.
Hope this helps:)
La vejiga natatoria en un pez, se ve afectada por la presión hidrostatica del agua, generando presión y estrechamiento sobre esta, al disminuirse hace más fácil la inmersión, puesto que está vejiga contiene aire que tiene peso menor que el agua y hace flotar con más facilidad al pez, sin embargo cuando el pez sube, la vejiga aumentará su volumen y tendrá que nadar más para mantenerse más abajo en el agua
speciation is when one species splits off into multiple species.
In-depth answer:
Speciation can happen in 4 different ways, the first being Allopatric Speciation, where 2 groups of the same species are physically separated for extended periods of time, and when they're re-introduced, they don't breed.
Sympatric Speciation is when 2 groups of the same species aren't seperated, but form different behaviors that isolate them reproductively (the groups wont inter-breed)
Parapatric Speciation is when 2 groups of the same species are suddenly placed into a new environmental niche, and adapt in different ways to fill that niche.
Quantum Speciation is much less recognized, but it's when a new species rapidly evolves and 'buds off' from the original group
If a flood occurs in the natural rubber environment, it will ruin the rubber production process. The flood would damage a huge percentage of rubber trees if there was a large quantity of restriction. This natural rubber is required for the production of synthetic polymers. Without the rubber, there would be a restricted supply and a significant decline in synthetic polymers due to ecological damage caused by the flood.