The two Battles of Saratoga- which were fought eighteen days apart in September and October of 1777- changed the American Revolution. British General John Burgoyne was victorious over American forces -which were led by Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold- on September 19th.
After capturing Fort Ticonderoga, the British, who were led by General John Burgoyne, moved south giving the Americans time to regroup under Horatio Gates.
General George Washington sent Benedict Arnold, Colonel Daniel Morgan and his regiment of Virginia riflemen, and two brigades of Continentals from the Hudson Highlands. Gates’s strength was improved by about sixty-five hundred men.
Burgoyne attacked the Americans a second time at Bemis Heights on October 7th, and Arnold led an attack that captured key points, forcing the British to retreat to Saratoga.
On this occasion, Burgoyne was beat and 10 days later he retreated, and the victorious Americans made the French government become their ally during the war.
That no man should have his own possessions or land, everything is to be shared, and that way classes are eliminated and no one is on top ( rich vs. poor ). However it still usually fails and someone is always on top.
Florence is considered an oligarchy because 75% of its population had no power therefore it was not a Republican or a democracy it was also not a monarchy because it had no king or queen nor was it a dictatorship because it was ruled by more than one person.
Most of the natives of Haiti were enslaved africans who worked at large plantations. They revolted to gain freedom and equality