To solve division problems you can make equal groups

It is
At 65 mph, keeping one second of following distance means the vehicle is traveling 100 feet behind the vehicle in front. It takes an automobile a minimum of 150 feet to stop. With a 100 foot gap plus the auto's stopping distance of 150 feet, an impact would occur within 250 feet.
Blue triangle: perimeter is 4x+2+7x+7+5x-4, or, after simplification,
16x + 5
Red triangle: perim. is 2x-5+x+7+x+3 (and so on).
Start with 180.
<span>Is 180 divisible by 2? Yes, so write "2" as one of the prime factors, and then work with the quotient, 90. </span>
<span>Is 90 divisible by 2? Yes, so write "2" (again) as another prime factor, then work with the quotient, 45. </span>
<span>Is 45 divisible by 2? No, so try a bigger divisor. </span>
<span>Is 45 divisible by 3? Yes, so write "3" as a prime factor, then work with the quotient, 15 </span>
<span>Is 15 divisible by 3? [Note: no need to revert to "2", because we've already divided out all the 2's] Yes, so write "3" (again) as a prime factor, then work with the quotient, 5. </span>
<span>Is 5 divisible by 3? No, so try a bigger divisor. </span>
Is 5 divisible by 4? No, so try a bigger divisor (actually, we know it can't be divisible by 4 becase it's not divisible by 2)
<span>Is 5 divisible by 5? Yes, so write "5" as a prime factor, then work with the quotient, 1 </span>
<span>Once you end up with a quotient of "1" you're done. </span>
<span>In this case, you should have written down, "2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 5"</span>