Ellinor rosevelt ( teddys first lady)
water resource, easy eascape incase of invasion, and makes importing/exporting easier
Native Americans have been hunterers and gatherers up to the period when growing crops became available to them/when they discovered growing crops is a thing that could be done. The reason for this is that when you've started growing crops, you can safely stay on one spot and have a sufficient supply of food for a longer time period - this wasn't available before. However, even with the coming of agriculture, the still hunted and gathered as it was an important aspect of their life.
B.charles darwin
Natural Selection, Survival of the fittest favors the “fit” and adaptable to survive in the harsh and hostile environment. Organisms that has a Type 3 survivorship curves has high reproduction rate since it also has greatest mortality rate. And why does natural selection favor these type of organisms is because these organism first-handedly were able to “adapt”. The theories states that organism need to be adaptable to survive hence, their reproductive mechanisms were stimulated and improved with the awareness of the susceptibility and vulnerability of these type of species. <span>