Dowry is in the form of money, goods, things that a bride brings with her in there in-laws home. The dowry is given by bride parents to the groom's parents. This is a compensatory form for [protecting the girl from ill-mannered behavior by their in-laws. It is a type of compulsory so whenever the bride gets divorced she can run her life safety. Some times dowry help the groom to start their life from the new beginning. But sometimes this is reciprocal custom and tradition. It is the give take procedure between two families. It is also called a Kanya daan in India that is given by a father to her daughter concerning a gift.
Hello, the environment is very important for the continuity of humanity. You can talk about policies to control CO2 emissions, which contribute to global warming, can also talk about water remediation, landfills, recycling and combating deforestation. Among many others!
Well, who will be responsible for implementing it will be the legislative power that will vote for the approval of the law. And who will apply will be the executive power, for example, if it is a city, will be the secretariat of environment.
I hope I have helped you!
Answer: Adolescence
Adolescence is a stage that begins between 10 and 13 years old. It is a period where children grow faster. In this stage, great changes arise, where the young person begins to relate to the world differently. The child is already beginning to grow in various aspects, especially in the sexual sphere. The adolescent's body undergoes a series of changes such as hair growth in different parts of the body, the self-examination begins in a more conscious way and contact with people of the opposite sex.
Adolescence is a fundamental stage, which can mark the following stages of development of the person, so a full education on what this stage consists of is essential. The adolescent has many doubts and due to the little knowledge of what is happening to his body, he may experience experimentation that in some cases would not be to his liking. This is a sensitive stage, where the adolescent struggles to understand everything that happens to him and where full maturity is not yet reached.
Made bullets
The colonist tore down the statue, melted it, and made bullets for their muskets
Hope this helps!