don't know please sorry next time I will surely give answer .......
Are you looking for a specific word? The answer is border but I see you've included this in your question so I believe you do not understand the concept.
Islam in India existed in communities along the Arab coastal trade routes in Gujarat, Kerala, and Bengal as soon as the religion originated and had gained early acceptance in the Arabian Peninsula, though the first incursion through sea by the new Muslim successor states of the Arab World occurred around 636 CE or 643 AD, during the Rashidun Caliphate, long before any Arab army reached the frontier of India by land.
Islam is the second-largest religion in India,[6] with 14.2% of the country's population or approx. 172 million people identifying as adherents of Islam (2011 census).[7][8] It makes India the country with the largest Muslim population outside Muslim-majority countries. The majority of Indian Muslims belong to Sunni sect of Islam while the Shia form a sizeable minority.
Islam in India existed in communities along the Arab coastal trade routes in Gujarat, Kerala, and Bengal as soon as the religion originated and had gained early acceptance in the Arabian Peninsula, though the first incursion through sea by the new Muslim successor states of the Arab World occurred around 636 CE or 643 AD, during the Rashidun Caliphate, long before any Arab army reached the frontier of India by land. The Barwada Mosque in Ghogha, Gujarat built before 623 CE, Cheraman Juma Mosque (629 CE) in Methala, Kerala and Palaiya Jumma Palli (or The Old Jumma Masjid - 628 - 630 CE) in Kilakarai, Tamil Nadu are three of the first mosques in India which were built by seafaring Arab Merchants.[9][10][11][12][13] Islam arrived in North India in the 12th century via the Ghurids conquest and has since become a part of India's religious and cultural heritage.
The Delhi Sultanate and the Mughal Empire have ruled most of South Asia and the Bengal Sultanate, the Deccan sultanates and the Sur Empire have played major economic and political roles. The peak of the Islamic rule in India was marked under the sharia and proto-industrialised[14] reign of emperor Aurangzeb, the world's largest economy, upon the compilation and establishment of the Fatawa Alamgiri.[15][16][17] The re-introduction of further Islamic policies by Mysore King Tipu Sultan contributed to the South Indian culture.[18][19] The Hyderabad State ruled by the Nizams served as the last self-governing princely state of India until its annexation by the Dominion of India. Over the centuries, there has been significant integration of Hindu and Muslim cultures across India[20][21] and Muslims have played a notable role in economics, politics, and culture of India.[22]
<u>Economic systems and labor systems:</u>
Labor systems developed and changed because of the interest in work and products. The correction makes bondage illicit in all states. Work frameworks and social structures changed or proceeded as they were adjusted and extended the African slave exchange, utilizing Africans to work in constrained work in the New World.
The procurement of settlements in North and South America prompted significant changes in labor frameworks.
After numerous Amerindians kicked the bucket from ailment transmitted by contact with Europeans, an enthusiastic slave exchange from Africa started and proceeded all through the vast majority of the period. Slave work turned out to be significant everywhere throughout the Americas.
Other work frameworks, for example, the mita and encomienda in South America, were adjusted from past local customs by the Spanish and Portuguese. By the 1500s, when Portugal started investigating the west bank of Africa, clans had just been occupied with the slave exchange for many years.
For me the height of the Cold War was the first Nuclear Test by the Soviet Union on the 29th of August 1949.
This was also probably the start of the 'cold-war' itself.
Before the Soviet Union has tested a live Nuclear Weapon, the United States was flexing it's muscles all over the world based on it's economic and military might.
However, the Soviet Nukes proved that there was another player on the global scene with the same weapons as the United States.
Subsequently Soviet Union couldn't, and in effect did, challenge America's dominance in every corned of the world for the next 40 years.
For me, this precise moment was more important than the 'Cuban Crisis'